Satisfaction from solving engineering challenges and teammates that join all their forces to help each other — for Arnas Juškys, our Senior Go Developer, these are the reasons why he still feels motivated after 4 years at Oxylabs. And there's much more he shared in a conversation, so read on!
In short, my team is building and optimizing a residential proxy product used by our clients for public web data gathering (web scraping). To go into more detail, we maintain a network of hundreds of servers that pass petabytes of data and handle massive amounts of requests at a time globally.
And since amongst our clients, we have the biggest companies in the world that scrape public web data at large scale, our residential proxy solutions have to be extremely reliable and available 24/7. We're continuously optimizing for faster response time and the highest percentage of success rate.
Alongside Go, we use Clickhouse and MySQL for working with databases; Grafana, Prometheus, and Loki for observability; and we all have pretty good basics of Linux system administration. But these are just a few of the variety of tools we have in our tech stack.
Other tech teams at Oxylabs use Go, too. One of the teams develops web scraping APIs that process billions of requests and allow our clients to gather massive amounts of public web data.
The other team uses Go to integrate various Oxylabs products on a lower level to provide our clients with seamless centralized solutions for usage statistics, billing, and more.
Obviously, maintaining a reliable residential proxy product for such large amounts of client requests is challenging. But there are some more interesting parts of our daily job.
We work in a dynamic web data gathering industry, so we have to keep developing new technologies to stay competitive. But, since our infrastructure is large and complex, we must find solutions that allow us to maintain quick response time and high success rates without going into an overhead.
Also, every developer and engineer knows that bugs happen. In our team's case, because of the size of our infrastructure, sometimes it takes extra time and thinking to identify and fix the problem. But when you finally resolve it, it's an incredibly satisfying feeling for a developer.
Well, you have to have a curious mind and a problem-solver attitude yourself. But here, you also get incredible support from the people around you.
When it comes to my team, we really have each other's backs. If there's a serious problem, we drop everything to come together and solve the problem as fast as possible. And even if it's nothing major — you just want to ask a question or get some feedback — everyone is more than happy to help you find the answers.
We have a big community of developers and engineers who have a strong knowledge base and are down-to-earth and collaborative, so they want to share what they know with you and help you build better solutions. This kind of supportive environment really helps me do my best work.
No day is the same here — so if you want your daily dose of something new to learn, this is the place. There will be plenty of engineering challenges that will help you grow as a developer and you'll have a lot of support from your teammates. So, with pun intended, give it a go!
Vilnius, Scraping
Warsaw, Scraping
Vilnius, E-Commerce
Vilnius, OxySERPS
Warsaw, Platform
Vilnius, Supply
Warsaw, E-Commerce
Vilnius, E-Commerce
Warsaw, Platform
Warsaw, OxySERPS
Kaunas, E-Commerce
Vilnius, Oxynet
Vilnius, Oxynet
Vilnius, OxySERPS
Vilnius, Supply
Vilnius, Platform
Vilnius, Platform